So, it's been a while. Long time no see:)
Well, long story long....
Ya' know that etsy shop I was telling you about? It actually kind of worked. A lot of people wanted custom portraits and art jobs, which was amazing, but it also took about 100% of my "free time". So I was a little bit flooded with Christmas orders, and then Christmas came and I was busy eating cookies, and through it all I didn't have a lot of time to simply draw.
The last couple of days have been blissfully clear, so I've had time to draw and also redecorate my room.
Room tour!
Welcome to my art desk. It is arguably my favorite part of the house.
This bulletin board is very new to me. It has actually been sitting in my family's garage for a long time, but I refinished the the frame and now it lives on my wall.
There were exactly 2 records in our garage, and that top right one looks like someone took a bite out of it. I really need to buy a new one.
I have had a strange obsession with drawing with skateboarders. I love the way they move. Being an animation wannabe I am fascinated with all movement. You have full permission from me to think I'm crazy.
My awesome sauce friend Emmali gave me this art bag and I thought it was so cool I put my button collection on it.
This one reminds me of Matthew Healy from the 1975. I think it's the hair.
Oh yes, to finish the room tour.
My closet
Now then, look at this picture and notice the blank wall.
(Few things thrill me more than blank walls.)
This wall is blank because I have yet to decide what to do with it.
I have a few ideas.
1. Cork board world map. Or just a regular world map. Then I would cover the rest of the wal with travel themed quotes and such.
I can't decide if my wanderlust is strong enough for this idea....

2. Flower wall.
Obviously with fake flowers, but I think this is so pretty:)

Let me know in the comments which one you would choose!
Oh, and for this new year, I am going to start blogging every Wednesday.
I don't take new years resolutions lightly, so expect me every Wednesday, then send me an angry email if I'm not there;)
See ya' next week!
~Abby Dahl~