Hello there!
It is again Wednesday, and nothing too spectacular happened this week, but I did draw.
And because I have drawn, I'll just show you my strange motley of creations.
Because Shoes.
I have been focusing on realism, here are sound giraffes without spots.
This is an illustration of my blogger friend Hannah. (Check out her blog!)
My sister has three different nicknames for her which are, Cinnamon Roll, Sugar Plum Fairy, and Honey Bee. So my assignment was to draw her incorporating all three of those rad nicknames.
Oh yes, and I got probably one of the coolest Christmas presents I have ever received.
My friend Keeton made one of my stickers into a sculpture!
So that's about it for this week!
I still havn't been able to set up my wacom until my family gets a new computer:(
But, with hope, that will be soon!
Oh, and another thing, I am going to change my blogging day to Saturday. Because high-school.
Thanks for sticking around!
~Abby Dahl~